Don’t have the resources or time to manage your fleet? Cavpower can help. Our specialists can monitor your fleet for you and provide information that helps maximise equipment uptime and avoid failures. In addition, it helps in providing flexible lead times for scheduled maintenance causing minimal disruption to site operations.

Technology-enabled fleet management solutions use electronics, communications software and analytics to support our customers by maximizing the uptime and efficiency of your equipment, while minimising the cost of ownership through lifecycle planning and management. Most Caterpillar® equipment is factory-equipped or can be retrofitted with technologies such as Product Link™.

Full Fleet Solutions

Speak to us about our options so that you can focus on building a more efficient and productive worksite.

Fleet Management

VisionLink is designed to help customers manage their entire fleet, regardless of brand, equipment type or geographical location. To do this, you can have a Product Link device or retrieve data directly from different original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) or a third-party telematics provider through third-party Application Programming Interface (API) integration.

This allows you to combine multiple data-sources into a single asset-management solution, eliminating the need to access multiple systems. Additionally, you can create a single dashboard to monitor mixed fleets, forecast future needs, allocate current assets, and plan maintenance.

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Fleet Organisation

Since fleet organisation is unique for every operation, VisionLink offers customisable naming conventions that allow you to assign names of your choosing to your equipment, rather than having to adopt Caterpillar terminology. You can also define access levels for worksite personnel based on roles.

VisionLink allows customers to organise data based on urgency, for example, updating the dashboard to show machines that require immediate attention and other intuitive criteria.

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Condition Monitoring

As part of Cavpower’s Fleet Monitoring operations, a specialised condition monitoring team constantly gathers valuable and proactive information regarding machine health, performance, and usage, to devise effective, comprehensive maintenance and repair plans.

Condition monitoring specialists analyse data from a combination of sources including S.O.S fluid analysis, electronic data (Product Link / VIMS), machine inspections, site conditions and equipment history, allowing them to accurately assess the health and operating condition of every piece of equipment.

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Technical Support

Cat® Remote Services

With the help of Cat® Remote Services, a suite of cutting-edge technologies that work with Product Link™, Cavpower can perform diagnostics and updates on Cat machines remotely.

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Tips for Getting the Most Value from Technology

Start by closing efficiency gaps

Most fleets have areas that can be improved in terms of timeliness or accuracy. Identify some of those and use technology and data to make them better.

Share the savings

As you improve, chart the savings in time and money and communicate progress. The critical point is to engage everyone in seeing the results that can be achieved.

Build processes that include technology

Once the benefits are proven, you can begin to change existing processes and include technology. Choose technologies that will work for your staff and modify processes to suit.

Need help with Fleet Management?

Contact our Equipment Management team to find out how we can take your fleet management to the next level.

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